A device for extinguishing of energy of wind waves
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Seaports of Ukraine need to be significantly reconstructed. The first task of the reconstruction is to increase the depth of water in the approach channels and water areas. The second task of the reconstruction is the construction of deep-water berths for servicing heavy-duty ships. Such vessels are also used in the transportation of liquid cargo and liquefied gas. Cargoes of this kind in many seaports of the word are handled at offshore berth. Their building does not require in relation to large financial charges and it can be realized in more short spaces. On the shelf of the Black Sea, which belongs Ukraine, perspective hydrocarbon reserves have been explored. Arrangement and operation of these deposits is impossible without design and construction offshore structures and berths. The design of marine hydraulic structures for operation in the conditions of open sea requires the improvement of the constructions of their up-water parts and the development of standards. This article presents the design of a device for decrease wave loads on offshore structures. This device was work out on the basis of an analysis of the results of laboratory experiments conducted by authors.
Article Details
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