Analysis of the seismic effect on an anchored sheet pile mooring structure in complex engineering and geological conditions

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K.V. Egupov
A.V. Voitiuk


The study developed an algorithm for analyzing the natural conditions of the construction site and selected an earthquake-resistant construction scheme for a dock structure of the type of anchored sheet pile wall in the port of Giurgiulesti (Republic of Moldova) on the Prut River. During the development of the structural scheme, measures to artificially improve the physical and mechanical properties of the base soils and the presence of significant water level differences on the Prut River were additionally taken into account. In the study, a set of calculations of the quay structure was performed according to the current regulatory and technical documents and its subsequent calculation for direct seismic impact, taking into account the real accelerogram, obtained with the help of studies made by the subsidiary of SE «Seismobud» by the Institute of Geophysics named after S.I. Subotin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the leadership of Dr. Yegupov K.V. The research is based on data obtained with the help of microseismic zoning and modern ideas about the behavior of a mooring structure such as an anchored sheet pile wall during earthquakes of various degrees of intensity. This study analyzes the difference between the results of calculations of the load-bearing structural elements of the pier structure according to the classical theory and using a program based on modern elastic-plastic models of soils and the theory of plasticity based on the principle of the Mises maximum, which allows taking into account the process of complex loading and strengthening of the soil base. This software complex made it possible to load the accelerogram obtained with the help of microseismic zoning into the calculation scheme, which models the redistribution of vibrations taking into account the structure and parameters of the foundation soils at the berth construction site. The description of the studied process makes it possible to clarify the consideration of the seismic impact on mooring structures of the anchored bulwark type. The obtained differences between the stability coefficients of the structure provide a basis for the development of further recommendations for the design of similar structures on rivers in seismically dangerous regions with complex engineering and geological conditions.

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How to Cite
Egupov, K., & Voitiuk, A. (2023). Analysis of the seismic effect on an anchored sheet pile mooring structure in complex engineering and geological conditions. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (69), 75-92.
Hydrotechnical construction
Author Biographies

K.V. Egupov, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

Dr. Sci. (Engin.), prof. Head of the Department «Civil Engineering and Architecture»

A.V. Voitiuk, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

Hydraulic engineer, master of specialty 194 «Coastal and Offshore Construction» Water Engineering and Water Technologies»


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