The problem of circular motion of a surface-effect craft, resistant to small perturbations

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D. Kachur
V. Golikov
M. Kosoy


The article deals with the problem of the movement of a ground effect vehicle along a circular trajectory, resistant to small air flow disturbances caused by water surface disturbances. A studied the qualitative attitude of the interaction of the water surface and the hull, which leads to the emergence of roll, yaw and pitch angles, as well as conditions for compensating forces and moments that return the hull to a straight position, is considered. Modified vortex model of the supporting surfaces of the device in the zone of influence of the screen. The proposed model makes it possible to represent the speed vector of the ground effect vehicle as a linear function of small angles of roll, yaw and pitch, and, therefore, to represent the aerodynamic forces and their application points on the body as linear functions of these angles. On the basis of this model, quantitative criteria for the uniform movement of an ground effect vehicle along a circular trajectory, as well as criteria for stable movement up to small disturbances in the form of algebraic inequalities are formulated.

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How to Cite
Kachur, D., Golikov, V., & Kosoy, M. (2023). The problem of circular motion of a surface-effect craft, resistant to small perturbations. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (69), 24-52.
Theory and ship design
Author Biographies

D. Kachur, National University «Odesa maritime academy», Odesa, Ukraine

Postgraduate student, Ship control department

V. Golikov, National University «Odesa maritime academy», Odesa, Ukraine

Dr. of science, Professor, Ship handling department

M. Kosoy, Odesa National university named after Ilya Mechnikov, Odesa, Ukraine

Phd., Assosiate professor,Department of Mechanics, Automation and Information Technologies


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