Physical modelling of the running performance of a new generation passenger ship
Main Article Content
The new generations of river-sea cruise passenger ships (PS) are characterized by new approaches to their design and the use of modern forms of ship's contours, which is associated with the use of advanced propulsion systems. These features of the new generation of passenger ships make it difficult to apply statistical methods for determining towing resistance and power. Therefore, the results of calculations using statistical methods or determination of resistance using CFD methods need to be verified by conducting model tests. Physical modelling of the motion of a new generation passenger ship in the ONMU research basin in calm deep water and in regular waves was carried out. Design solutions for determining the required towing resistance and power were confirmed. The vessel's sea-keeping performance on regular waves was investigated, and the coefficients of additional resistance on regular waves were determined. The data obtained can be used in the future in the development of similar ship designs.
Article Details
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