About changing the parameters of sea containers

Main Article Content

V. Kirillova
V. Tykhonin
І. Tykhoninа
V. Romakh


Cargo containers used in sea transport are considered. The ISO classification of containers by purpose, design, size and weight is provided. Data on the share of use in sea transportation of the main types of large-tonnage containers are given. The concept of «ISO container module» and the analysis of its application for containers used in cargo transportation are presented. Certain disadvantages of container transportation of general cargo and the impact of these disadvantages on the development of requirements and design features of containers are considered. The «group codes» of containers entered during international sea transportation are provided, which are used for the convenience of their identification. An analysis of the influence of the «ISO container module» on the structural features of sea vessels and, based on this, on the prevalence of large-tonnage containers of a certain size, is presented. A list of containers of various lengths used in sea transportation that do not meet the ISO standard is given. An assumption is given that justifies the appearance of such diversity. Attention is drawn to the change over time in the classification of containers according to ISO standards and the appearance of some uncertainty in them regarding their weight. Which leads to the constant need to check the labeling of containers with their actual gross weight. The influence of the increase in the carrying capacity of container carriers and the development of transshipment equipment on the requirements for the strength of containers and the possible height of their storage is considered. It is concluded that, despite the presence of a wide range of containers, the largest number of them are containers of a limited type. Requirements for strength, and accordingly the weight of containers, will increase.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kirillova, V., Tykhonin, V., TykhoninаІ., & Romakh, V. (2023). About changing the parameters of sea containers. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (68), 166-177. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2023-1-166-177
Technology and organisation of transportation
Author Biographies

V. Kirillova, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of «Fleet operation and technology of maritime transport»

V. Tykhonin, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

І. Tykhoninа, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer at the Department of «Fleet operation and technology of maritime transport»

V. Romakh, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»


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