Contribution of scientists of the Odessa national maritime university to the creation of the theory and methods of management the processing of ship

Main Article Content

E. Kirillova
A. Magamadov
V. Kirillova
N. Pavlova
В. Shurin


The article the results of an analytical review of the achievements of scientists of the Odessa National Maritime University ONMU (formerly the Odessa Institute of Sea Fleet Engineers OISFE) in the field of creation and development of the theory and methods of management processing of ship (PS) within the limits of intraport operational management (IOM). It is shown that the mentioned scientists were involved in research work in the middle of the 20th century at the stage of formation of IOM as a science. Her first scientific results were the methods of drawing up tape charts, hourly schedules and operational plans for processing of ship. It was noted that in the future, researchers from the OISFE took an active part in providing the methodology of IOM, first of all, the management of PS, the principles, approaches and methodological tools of the sciences born of the scientific and technical revolution, thanks to which it became possible to consider the tasks of PS management in an optimal setting. The methods of solving these problems developed by the scientists of OISFE-ONMU are briefly characterized, starting with the determination of the optimal distribution of port transshipment resources between ships and ending with the search for the optimal option for their use in ship operations are substantiated the main provisions of the system optimization of the PS management as a general direction of the development of IOM at the current stage.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kirillova, E., Magamadov, A., Kirillova, V., Pavlova, N., & ShurinВ. (2023). Contribution of scientists of the Odessa national maritime university to the creation of the theory and methods of management the processing of ship. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (68), 156-165.
Technology and organisation of transportation
Author Biographies

E. Kirillova, Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine

Doctor of Technology, Professor, Нead of a department «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

A. Magamadov, Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor, Professor of ONMU, Professor at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

V. Kirillova, Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of «Fleet Operating and Technologу of Sea Carriages»

N. Pavlova, Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor, at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

В. Shurin, Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»


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