Method for determining the average and individual values of the endurance limit based on the results of tests under stepped loading
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The problem associated with the experimental determination of the endurance limit of objects, the test scheme of which is based on a stepwise increase in load, has been considered and solved. Real testing of objects for fatigue resistance was proposed to be replaced by simulation modeling. For this, a specific example was considered and calculations were carried out, which made it possible to make generalizations and, on their basis, propose a new approach to determining the endurance limit. The proposed version is simple and allows you to find not only the average value of the endurance limit, but also the individual values of each tested object.
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How to Cite
Konoplov, A., Shumylo, O., Kononova, O., Cheredarchuk, N., Halevskyi, V., & Yustov, V. (2023). Method for determining the average and individual values of the endurance limit based on the results of tests under stepped loading. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (68), 135-146.
Tightening and strength of machine parts
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