Modernization of the ONMU towing tank for studying the running performance of high-speed vessels

Main Article Content

O. Demidiuk
A. Zaiets
N. Kotovska
A. Onischenko
M. Voinovitch


The problem of modernization of existing and creation of additional equipment of experimental towing tank (system of Velekamp) for possibility of carrying out of towing tests of models of high-speed vessels, accompanied by dynamic change of trim is considered. A new model suspension design is proposed which eliminates interaction with spray jets and does not prevent free dynamic trim changes. Optical system for fixation of dynamic trim is developed. Results of towing tests of high-speed boat with new equipment for trim registration are presented. Conclusions and recommendations are made on carrying out of towing tests of high-speed boats in a gravity type towing tank.

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How to Cite
Demidiuk, O., Zaiets, A., Kotovska, N., Onischenko, A., & Voinovitch, M. (2023). Modernization of the ONMU towing tank for studying the running performance of high-speed vessels. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (68), 66-79.
Theory and ship design
Author Biographies

O. Demidiuk, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

p.h.d., associate professor, head of a department «Ship theory and design department named after prof. Y.L. Vorobyov»

A. Zaiets, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

p.h.d., associate professor «Ship theory and design department named after prof. Y.L. Vorobyov»

N. Kotovska, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

senior lecturer «Ship theory and design department named after prof. Y.L. Vorobyov»

A. Onischenko, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

senior lecturer «Ship theory and design department named after prof. Y.L. Vorobyov»

M. Voinovitch, Odessa national maritime university, Odessa, Ukraine

senior lecturer «Ship theory and design department named after prof. Y.L. Vorobyov»


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