Risk-based analysis of operational design restrictions and main design characteristics of subsea construction vessels

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А. Egorov
O. Abdullayev


An analysis of main dimensions and weight loads of existing subsea construction vessels has been carried out. Initial design stage characteristic curves of determination of main characteristics of new generation with taking into account risk analysis and operating experience are obtained.

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How to Cite
EgorovА., & Abdullayev, O. (2023). Risk-based analysis of operational design restrictions and main design characteristics of subsea construction vessels. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (68), 7-26. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2023-1-7-26
Theory and ship design
Author Biographies

А. Egorov, CJSC Marine Engineering Bureau, Odessa, Ukraine

Ph.d., director general

O. Abdullayev, Institute KASPMORNIIPROECT, ACSC, Baku, republic of Azerbaijan

Director of the Design


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