Innovative technologies in work management of port operators

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A.О. Muradian


The need to change approaches to the development of modern seaports was noted. It is proved that the trend of the global transport market is digitalization and intellectualization. It was noted that the world's ports − industry leaders − are undergoing digital transformations, as a result of which innovative technologies are being introduced, all participants in the global supply chain are being integrated, the efficiency of port traffic management, throughput, and an additional level of security are being created. A study of the development of the industry made it possible to state that more than half of the world's container ports are concentrated in Asia, mainly in China, whose infrastructure facilities play a significant role in world maritime trade and shipping and occupy first places in the ranking. It was noted that in many ports of the world, digitalization processes are technologically and technically being implemented. It has been established that the transformation processes have significantly modernized the concept of development of the world's largest ports. Today it is based on technological innovations, which leads to a change in the management paradigm. The world practices of introducing digital technologies are analyzed. Among the ports of the world, characterized by significant digital transformations, there are such as: Rotterdam, Qingdao, Singapore, Busan, Xiamen, Shanghai, Antwerp and others. Particular attention is paid to blockchain technology, which allows you to track cargo in real time and manage logistics activities in supply chains, ensuring the security of data exchange between the parties, contributing to the development of maritime transportation and optimization of maritime, including port, logistics. Difficulties faced by seaports in the implementation of such projects and issues that need to be addressed are noted. The digital solutions and technologies used in the seaports of the world and the implementation of which is of interest to the domestic industry are summarized. This will lead to an increase in the efficiency of their activities and competitiveness within the international transport system.

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How to Cite
Muradian, A. (2022). Innovative technologies in work management of port operators. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (67), 124-134.
Technology and organisation of transportation
Author Biography

A.О. Muradian, Odessa National Maritime University

PhD, Associate Professor of «Department of Port Operation and Cargo Handling Technology»


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