Implementing interprocess communication in microservice architecture

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I.G. Buhaieva
M.V. Rozum


One of the main problems that needs to be solved when designing a web application with a microservice architecture is the choice of a mechanism by which services will interact with each other. The article explores synchronous and asynchronous approaches to the implementation of interprocess communication, a comparative analysis is carried out based on existing research to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches. An analysis of the results of the experiments showed that asynchronous interaction of microservices implemented on the basis of the AMQP protocol provides better performance and higher availability of microservices. Asynchronous form of microservice communication implemented using REST or gRPC can offer higher throughput than an asynchronous method when the system load is relatively light. As the number of service users increases, an asynchronous communication method using message queues is more appropriate. Besides this way of messaging between microservices is more reliable. Message queues are also the best choice when you need to synchronize data between services. The implementation of an asynchronous way of interaction between microservices in a web application using the RabbitMQ message broker is considered.

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How to Cite
Buhaieva, I., & Rozum, M. (2022). Implementing interprocess communication in microservice architecture. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (67), 81-89.
Improvement of means of automation of ships systems
Author Biographies

I.G. Buhaieva, Odessa National Maritime University

Ph.D., Docent of the Department «Technical Cybernetics and Information Technologies named after prof. R.V. Merkt»

M.V. Rozum, Odessa National Maritime University

Ph.D., Docent of the Department «Technical Cybernetics and Information Technologies named after prof. R.V. Merkt»


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