Ways of developing 3D seismic prospecting in geodetic research
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Today, the problem of natural resources’ rational useis very importantand urgent. А special place in this task is occupied by energy resources. Extraction of minerals and their development are one of the priority directions in the economy of absolutely all countries of the world. The general goal of geological exploration is scientifically grounded, systematic and cost-effective provision of the mining industry. It is necessary to conduct a study of methods for their complete integrated and economically rational extraction of minerals during the operation of deposits, taking into account environmental protection. As studies show, 3D seismic prospecting in geodetic science is becoming more and more important due to its advantages discussed in the article «Ways of developing 3D seismic prospecting in geodetic research». The issue related to the development of new hydrocarbon deposits has becomeacute. Therefore, the 3D seismic survey method highlighted in this article, is opportune and urgent. In 2020 BGV Group Management comes to the Saratskiy district of the Odessa region with modern technologies, including 3D seismic exploration. The result is the construction of the first oil well in this area by Ukrnaftinvest, which uses modern drilling methods
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