Evaluation of one method of accelerated determination of the endurance limit

Main Article Content

A.V. Konoplev
А.N. Shumilo
O.N. Kononova
N.I. Cheredarchuk
V.V. Halevskyi
Е.К. Rozhko
V.O. Arpentieva


The article considers the problem associated with the calculation of the accuracy of the method of accelerated indirect determination of the endurance limit. Based on the test scheme, the method of generating random numbers, as well as the relationship between the parameters of the inclined section of the fatigue curve and the endurance limit, an approach is proposed for determining the systematic, random, and total errors of the method under consideration.

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How to Cite
Konoplev, A., ShumiloА., Kononova, O., Cheredarchuk, N., Halevskyi, V., RozhkoЕ., & Arpentieva, V. (2021). Evaluation of one method of accelerated determination of the endurance limit. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (66), 22-30. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2021-3-22-30
Tightening and strength of machine parts
Author Biographies

A.V. Konoplev, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of «Machine Science»

А.N. Shumilo, Odessa National Maritime University

PhD Associate Professor of the Department of «Machine Science»

O.N. Kononova

PhD Associate Professor of the Department of «Machine Science»

N.I. Cheredarchuk, Odessa National Maritime University

Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department «Mathematics, physics and astronomy»

V.V. Halevskyi, Odessa National Maritime University

Senior Lecturer of the Department «Machine Science»

Е.К. Rozhko, Odessa National Maritime University

Assistant of the Department «Applied mechanics»

V.O. Arpentieva, Odessa National Maritime University

Postgraduate student of the department «Machine Science»


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