Mechanisms of project-oriented management of higher education institutions within the framework of innovative programs
Main Article Content
The relevance of the research is due to the modern unfavo-rable innovation climate in the state, which was formed in the conditions of non-functioning state regulation of the innovation sphere, the rapid decline of Ukrainian science, its actual isolation from entrepreneurship. In such a situation, there is an urgent need to develop new theoretical and methodological approaches and mechanisms based on the advanced experience of developed countries, which would make it possible to increase the efficiency of interaction between participants in innovative activities, namely, higher educational institutions that occupy the largest share in the field of scientific activities in the state. It was found that over the past decades, Ukrainian science has undergone significant changes. When one of the leading countries in the world with numerous schools, traditions, material and technical bases, Ukraine turned into a state in which all attempts to improve the efficiency of innovative activities end in decline. It is pointed out that the situation in the scientific and innovation spheres is becoming disastrous, which can cause unfavorable trends in ensuring the technological and economic security of Ukraine. A solution to this problem was proposed with the involvement of leading experts and government agencies at all levels. It is impossible to achieve results in the field of scientific research and their implementation in production without fundamental use of the project management methodology in the management system of scientific activities of higher educational institutions.
Article Details
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