Research of fretting processes in cyclic changes in the voltage state at the contact spot

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Olexander Kobzaruk
Valery Babinets


On the basis of a literature review of experimental data, a technique has been developed for studying the processes occurring in the contact patch during fretting in air and in seawater. Experimental studies of fretting processes on a specially made testing machine made it possible to study all stages of fretting fracture, from the running-in of contacting pairs up to the formation of fretting fatigue cracks.

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How to Cite
Kobzaruk, O., & Babinets, V. (2021). Research of fretting processes in cyclic changes in the voltage state at the contact spot. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (65), 138-151.
Tightening and strength of machine parts
Author Biographies

Olexander Kobzaruk, Odessa National Maritime University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of «Materials Technology»

Valery Babinets, Ilyichevsk Shiprepair Yard

supervisor of the Illichivsk ship repair production


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