Аnalysis of gas turbines plants тhermodynamic cycles with heat supply processes at constant pressure and volume

Main Article Content

A.A. Vasserman
A.G. Slyn`ko


Thermodynamic cycles of open gas turbines plants are considered with heat supply to working media processes at constant pressure and volume. As result of theoretical analysis and comparing calculations is established that at different conditions of comparison thermal coefficient of efficiency of cycle with heat supply at constant volume at many cases is greater than thermal of cycle with heat supply at constant pressure

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How to Cite
Vasserman, A., & Slyn`koA. (2021). Аnalysis of gas turbines plants тhermodynamic cycles with heat supply processes at constant pressure and volume. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (65), 84-93. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2021-2-84-93
Technical problems of ship equipment operation
Author Biographies

A.A. Vasserman, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor of Department

A.G. Slyn`ko, Odessa National Maritime University

Candidate of technical sciences, Professor of Department «Ships energetic plants and technical operation»


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