Концепция многофункционального ледокола – судна обеспечения мощностью 22 МВт
Небходимость строительства многофункциональных ледокольных судов обеспечения для круглогодичной работы в районе Обской губы. Обоснованы принятые при проектировании и постройки технические решения одного из самых мощных в мире дизель-электрических ледоколов проекта IBSV01 мощностью 22 МВт с ледокольным классом Icebreaker8. Особое внимание уделено обводам и пропульсивному комплексу. Приведены результаты испытаний, которые в полной мере удовлетворяют требованиям Заказчика как по ходовым, так и по функциональным качествам, показывают высокую маневренность и ледопроходимость.
Как цитировать
Егоров, Г., & Автутов, Н. (2020). Концепция многофункционального ледокола – судна обеспечения мощностью 22 МВт. Весник Одеского национального морского университета, (59(2), 11-40. https://doi.org/10.33082/2226-1915-2-2019-11-40
Проектирование судов
1. Egorov G.V., Shtrambrandt V.I. (2012). Mnogofunktsionalnyie ledokoly i ledokoly-spasateli novogo pokoleniya [Multifunctional icebreakers and icebreakers-salvage vessels of new generation]. Visnuk ONMU (Reporter of Odessa National Maritime University), 1 (34), 130-150 [in Russian].
2. Dianskiy N.A., Fomin V.V., Gruzinov V.M., Kabatchenko I.M., Lit-vinenko G.I. (2015). Otsenka vliyaniya podhodnogo kanala k portu Sabetta na izmenenie gidrologicheskikh usloviy Obskoy guby s pomoschyu chislennogo modelirovaniya [Estimation of influence of the approach channel to the port of Sabetta on change of hydrological conditions of the Gulf of Ob using numerical modeling]. Arktika: ecologiya i economika (Arctic: ecology and economy), 3 (19), 18-29 [in Russian].
3. Sovcomflot (2019). Prakticheskie rekomendatsii kapitanov SKF po upravleniyu sudami v ledovykh usloviyakh [SCF masters practical recommendations of vessels handling in ice conditions]. Paulsen (Paulsen). Moscow, 296 pages [in Russian].
4. Spirin A.M., Chachin D.A., Smirnov A.A. (2015). Kruglogodich-naya navigatsiya na port Sabetta [Sabetta port all-year navigation]. Arktika: ecologiya i economika (Arctic: ecology and economy), 3 (19), 88-95 [in Russian].
5. Egorov G.V. (2016). Investigation of «line-up» of multipurpose salvage vessels for work in Russian adjacent seas // Proc. of Thirteenth Intern. Conf. on marine sciences and technologies (Black Sea' 2016). Varna (Bulgaria), 116-126.
6. Egorov G.V., Nilva A.E., Davydov I.F. (2010). Principles of Creation of New Generation of Russian Multipurpose Rescue Vessels for Ice Conditions // Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS 2010).Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Vol. 1, 569-578.
7. Aker Arctic (2015). Aker Arctic 27384-101-421 Rev A. Model test report – open water for icebreaking support vessel Aker ARC 130A, 245 p.
8. Aker Arctic (2015). Aker Arctic 27384-101-430 Rev A. Ice model tests of icebreaking support vessel Aker ARC 130A (with Appendixes), 45 p.
9. Marine Engineering Bureau (2018). IBSV01-109-016. Zhurnal manevrennykh elementov (Maneuvering data log book). St. Petersburg, 52 p.
10. «Gazprom-neft» company website. URL: https://marinebunker. gazprom-neft.ru (access date 18.10.2019).
11. «Vyborg shipbuilding yard» company website. URL: http://vyborgshipyard.ru/ru (access date 18.10.2019).
2. Dianskiy N.A., Fomin V.V., Gruzinov V.M., Kabatchenko I.M., Lit-vinenko G.I. (2015). Otsenka vliyaniya podhodnogo kanala k portu Sabetta na izmenenie gidrologicheskikh usloviy Obskoy guby s pomoschyu chislennogo modelirovaniya [Estimation of influence of the approach channel to the port of Sabetta on change of hydrological conditions of the Gulf of Ob using numerical modeling]. Arktika: ecologiya i economika (Arctic: ecology and economy), 3 (19), 18-29 [in Russian].
3. Sovcomflot (2019). Prakticheskie rekomendatsii kapitanov SKF po upravleniyu sudami v ledovykh usloviyakh [SCF masters practical recommendations of vessels handling in ice conditions]. Paulsen (Paulsen). Moscow, 296 pages [in Russian].
4. Spirin A.M., Chachin D.A., Smirnov A.A. (2015). Kruglogodich-naya navigatsiya na port Sabetta [Sabetta port all-year navigation]. Arktika: ecologiya i economika (Arctic: ecology and economy), 3 (19), 88-95 [in Russian].
5. Egorov G.V. (2016). Investigation of «line-up» of multipurpose salvage vessels for work in Russian adjacent seas // Proc. of Thirteenth Intern. Conf. on marine sciences and technologies (Black Sea' 2016). Varna (Bulgaria), 116-126.
6. Egorov G.V., Nilva A.E., Davydov I.F. (2010). Principles of Creation of New Generation of Russian Multipurpose Rescue Vessels for Ice Conditions // Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS 2010).Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Vol. 1, 569-578.
7. Aker Arctic (2015). Aker Arctic 27384-101-421 Rev A. Model test report – open water for icebreaking support vessel Aker ARC 130A, 245 p.
8. Aker Arctic (2015). Aker Arctic 27384-101-430 Rev A. Ice model tests of icebreaking support vessel Aker ARC 130A (with Appendixes), 45 p.
9. Marine Engineering Bureau (2018). IBSV01-109-016. Zhurnal manevrennykh elementov (Maneuvering data log book). St. Petersburg, 52 p.
10. «Gazprom-neft» company website. URL: https://marinebunker. gazprom-neft.ru (access date 18.10.2019).
11. «Vyborg shipbuilding yard» company website. URL: http://vyborgshipyard.ru/ru (access date 18.10.2019).