Green energy: a modern view in conditions of environmental safety
Expansion of the use of renewable energy sources (RES) became possible due to technical progress in this area, which allowed, first of all, to significantly reduce the cost of electricity production by wind and solar power plants of various types. Since 2000, wind power has developed with an average annual growth rate of more than 21%. In the early years of wind power deployment, Europe was the key region for global wind turbine installations. In 2010, the region accounted for 47 % of global onshore wind turbine deployments. After 2010, other regions, especially China, have seen rapid wind energy development. By 2018, China had overtaken Europe to become the largest onshore wind energy market with nearly one-third of the world's installed capacity. Some experts estimate that onshore wind power installations will need to have an average annual growth rate of more than 7 % over the next three decades. Offshore wind energy technologies allow countries to exploit generally higher and sometimes more stable wind resources, by implementing gigawatt projects near densely populated coastal areas common in many parts of the world. This makes wind power an important addition to the portfolio of low-carbon technologies available to the energy sector in many countries. Green energy, in terms of environmental impact, leads to a more environmentally friendly process. Energy obtained from naturally occurring sources such as wind, sun and water, i.e. renewable energy is better for the environment because energy production does not produce greenhouse gases – gases that enter the atmosphere, trap heat and cause global warming. The main goal of our work is to analyze the experience of large-scale development of renewable energy sources in a number of countries, its impact, including negative ones, on traditional generation and the electricity market, with the development of relevant specific recommendations for overcoming specific challenges and ensuring environmental safety in each country
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