Improving the efficiency of repair and strengthening of the diesel exhaust system by using a highly common high-temperature synthesis of alloys


Eduard Вohomolov
Yevheniia Naumenko
Olersandr Gaievskyi


In accordance with the requirements of the Ukraine strategy of eco- nomic development and coverage of processes economic approaches to the transfor- mation of the national economy in various industries, we present a separate methodology in the field of restoration and repair of marine vehicles. The main direction of improving shipbuilding production is to reduce the duration, improve the quality and reduce the cost of ship repair. Such factors influencing production and repair as material supply and energy consumption can be reduced by 10-20 percent if we apply the latest technological implementations that are already developed and improved in the research of both Ukrainian and foreign scientists.


Как цитировать
ВohomolovE., Naumenko, Y., & Gaievskyi, O. (2024). Improving the efficiency of repair and strengthening of the diesel exhaust system by using a highly common high-temperature synthesis of alloys. Весник Одеского национального морского университета, (73), 102-111.
Проблеми експлуатації суднового енергетичного обладнання
Биографии авторов

Eduard Вohomolov, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

senior lecturer of the «Materials Science and Materials Technology» department

Yevheniia Naumenko, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department «Materials Science and Materials Technology»

Olersandr Gaievskyi, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

senior lecturer of the «Materials Science and Materials Technology» department


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