Особливості пробовідбору зернових вантажів відповідно до правил Gafta
У статті досліджено процес контролю якості зернових вантажів відповідно до вимог Міжнародної асоціації торгівлі зерном і кормами GAFTA. Визначено особливість використання практики пробовідбору зернових вантажів та проведення аналізів, а також доведено доцільність застосування практичного керівництва, що містить набір мінімальних стандартів для проведення професійних незалежних інспекцій на якість.
Як цитувати
Корнієць, Т., & Смаркалова, А. (2022). Особливості пробовідбору зернових вантажів відповідно до правил Gafta. Вісник Одеського національного морського університету, (67), 114-123. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2022-1-114-123
Технологія і організація перевезень
1. What happens at the seaports of Ukraine during the war (2022). DW, Retrieved from: https://www.dw.com/uk/shcho-vidbuvaietsia-v-morskykh-portakh-ukrainy-pidchas-viiny/a-61793088?maca=ukr-rss-ukrnet-ukr-all-3816-xml [in Ukrainian]
2. Grain Initiative (2022). Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. – Retrieved from: https://mtu.gov.ua/news/33842.html [in Ukrainian]
3. Ukrainian seaports increased grain transshipment by 3.9% in 2021 (2022). Agravery.com., Retrieved from: https://agravery.com/uk/posts/show/morportiukraini-u-2021-roci-zbilsili-perevalku-zerna-na-39 [in Ukrainian].
4. Grain export from Ukraine: is there an alternative to sea ports? (2022). DW., Retrieved from: https://www.dw.com/uk/eksport-zerna-z-ukrainy-chy-ye-alternatyvazablokovanym-morskym-portam/a-61901563 [in Ukrainian]
5. Christensen, C.M., & Meronuck, R.A. (1986). Quality maintenance in stored grains and seeds. U of Minnesota Press.
6. Scientific principles and methods of preserving the quality of grain crop seeds (2013). Retrieved from: https://dspace.dsau.dp.ua/bitstream/123456789/2279/1/Zz_2013_60_36.pdf [in Ukrainian]
7. Butenko, A. O. (2020) The main technological measures to preserve grain quality during harvesting. London: Topical issues of science and practice [in Ukrainian]
8. Lyashenko, O.B., Hrytsenko, O.O., Moshnyanskyi, O.А. & other. (2001) Educational materials for cargo surveyors advanced training courses. Odesa: Odesa State Maritime University [in Ukrainian]
9. Snopkov, V.I. (2005). Guidance to carrying out surveying services on transport. SPb.: ANO NGO «Professional».
10. Vernyhora, R.V. (2017) Analysis of the Ukrainian grain storage system. Transport systems and transport technologies. 13, 10-18 [in Ukrainian].
11. Gridin, O.V. (2018) The current state and trends in the development of grain production, processing and sales: Ukrainian and global context. Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management. 3, 14 [in Ukrainian].
12. Cheban, L.M., Vorobets, M.M., Yukalo, V.G. & Kukhtyn, M.D. (2014) Chemical and microbiological analysis of food products: a study guide. Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University [in Ukrainian].
13. CONTRACT FOR EU GRAIN IN BULK. THE GRAIN AND FEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. (2020). Printed in England and issued by GAFTA. Retrieved from: https://www.gafta.com/write/MediaUploads/Contracts/2020/80A_2020.pdf [in English]
14. THE GRAIN AND FEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. Sampling Rules No.124 / THE GRAIN AND FEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. (2018). Printed in Eng-land and issued by GAFTA. Retrieved from: https://www.gafta.com/write/MediaUploads/Contracts/2018/124_2018.pdf [in English]
15. Korniets, T.E., Smarkalova, A.K. (2019). The practice of providing inde-pendent inspection services for the organization of sunflower meal container transportation. Bulletin of Odesa National Maritime University, 59, 155-165 [in Russian].
16. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GRAINS [Електронний ресурс] / THE GRAIN AND FEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. (2018). Printed in England and issued by GAFTA. Retrieved from: https://www.gafta.com/write/MediaUploads/Contracts/2018/METHOD_26.2_PHYSICAL_CHARACTERISTICS_OF_GRAINS.pdf [in English]
2. Grain Initiative (2022). Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. – Retrieved from: https://mtu.gov.ua/news/33842.html [in Ukrainian]
3. Ukrainian seaports increased grain transshipment by 3.9% in 2021 (2022). Agravery.com., Retrieved from: https://agravery.com/uk/posts/show/morportiukraini-u-2021-roci-zbilsili-perevalku-zerna-na-39 [in Ukrainian].
4. Grain export from Ukraine: is there an alternative to sea ports? (2022). DW., Retrieved from: https://www.dw.com/uk/eksport-zerna-z-ukrainy-chy-ye-alternatyvazablokovanym-morskym-portam/a-61901563 [in Ukrainian]
5. Christensen, C.M., & Meronuck, R.A. (1986). Quality maintenance in stored grains and seeds. U of Minnesota Press.
6. Scientific principles and methods of preserving the quality of grain crop seeds (2013). Retrieved from: https://dspace.dsau.dp.ua/bitstream/123456789/2279/1/Zz_2013_60_36.pdf [in Ukrainian]
7. Butenko, A. O. (2020) The main technological measures to preserve grain quality during harvesting. London: Topical issues of science and practice [in Ukrainian]
8. Lyashenko, O.B., Hrytsenko, O.O., Moshnyanskyi, O.А. & other. (2001) Educational materials for cargo surveyors advanced training courses. Odesa: Odesa State Maritime University [in Ukrainian]
9. Snopkov, V.I. (2005). Guidance to carrying out surveying services on transport. SPb.: ANO NGO «Professional».
10. Vernyhora, R.V. (2017) Analysis of the Ukrainian grain storage system. Transport systems and transport technologies. 13, 10-18 [in Ukrainian].
11. Gridin, O.V. (2018) The current state and trends in the development of grain production, processing and sales: Ukrainian and global context. Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management. 3, 14 [in Ukrainian].
12. Cheban, L.M., Vorobets, M.M., Yukalo, V.G. & Kukhtyn, M.D. (2014) Chemical and microbiological analysis of food products: a study guide. Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University [in Ukrainian].
13. CONTRACT FOR EU GRAIN IN BULK. THE GRAIN AND FEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. (2020). Printed in England and issued by GAFTA. Retrieved from: https://www.gafta.com/write/MediaUploads/Contracts/2020/80A_2020.pdf [in English]
14. THE GRAIN AND FEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. Sampling Rules No.124 / THE GRAIN AND FEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. (2018). Printed in Eng-land and issued by GAFTA. Retrieved from: https://www.gafta.com/write/MediaUploads/Contracts/2018/124_2018.pdf [in English]
15. Korniets, T.E., Smarkalova, A.K. (2019). The practice of providing inde-pendent inspection services for the organization of sunflower meal container transportation. Bulletin of Odesa National Maritime University, 59, 155-165 [in Russian].
16. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GRAINS [Електронний ресурс] / THE GRAIN AND FEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. (2018). Printed in England and issued by GAFTA. Retrieved from: https://www.gafta.com/write/MediaUploads/Contracts/2018/METHOD_26.2_PHYSICAL_CHARACTERISTICS_OF_GRAINS.pdf [in English]